Horse on a trail ride with the Trekking jogging shoe

Magazine #01/23

- Equine Fusion The World’s First Jogging Shoe for Horses!- UK Farriers Explore Innovative Alternatives to Steel Shoes.- A desperate plea for help!

The Publisher

We are a group of enthusiasts who have the great pleasure of launching our own magazine. A dream is narrated for a new medium with our unique story – a story that started in 2005.

This first issue of our magazine, the EQFU Magazine, will be distributed in collaboration with Barefoot Horse Magazine and our distributors allover the world. We aim to publish this magazine yearly and would love feedback on different topics you want covered in the future. If you have an exciting story that you want featured, feel free to share it with us.

The stories are our own, and we are finally getting started with exciting tools, new exciting products will be launched, and not least, a well-motivated team with good helpers with different skills.

Sven Erik Revheim

The Magazine

Equine Fusion is a pioneering brand within the hoof boot market and a quiet, soft, innovative and friendly one. We have adapted the shoe to diff erent surfaces, needs and performances.When everyone else makes hard, we make soft. When everyone else doesn’t listen to the horse, we are the horse‘s best friend.Happy Performing Horses is not just an experience; it’s a promise. For us, this magazine is a new and exciting arena for our storytelling, unlike any other. Pioneering the category means telling stories as well. Good reading, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Sven Erik, Anders, Rune and Ann-Kristin

Since we launched the elastic hoof boots to the market – a quiet and soft shoe – the market has developed and is growing rapidly. We still nail iron shoes under our horses’ feet, and our purpose is to challenge the established by choosing soft rather than hard. We will appear as a leading brand with credibility, innovative design, breadth of assortment, sustainability,availability and active support to our dealers.

We will make ourselves visible in all markets to ensure our unique history, credibility and commercialization –define ourselves as a lifestyle brand for horses and riders – Sportswear, Performance and Rehab.

Equine Fusion employees
horse jumping across a pony in the Active jogging shoe

Our story

The company was founded when a dedicated horse owner had a horse that always seemed uncomfortable, and after countless trials of therapy, massage, chiropractors, and medicines, the founders were inspired by the advanced developments in diff erent forms of running footwear for human beings. The Iron shoes were removed.

The strain on the horse’s anatomy and skeleton is immense while participating in various forms of competition, racing, training and riding on different types of terrains. A “running shoe” for horses was designed, and our success is self-evident.

Our goal when developing and promoting flexible and elastic hoof boots is to enhance the welfare, soundness, and performance of the horse. A flexible and elastic Jogging Shoe is better for the horse than a hoof shoe or boot made of rigid material. (By rigid material, we mean traditional metal shoes, hoof boots made of hard plastic/lesser flexible materials, and any type of glue-on shoes.

We expect a lot from ourselves and have an innovative presence in the category with much exciting news in times to come. Action, fun and speed are the demands we make, the best for our four-legged friend and our environment.

Old prototype


old prototype model from equine fusion

MODEL 2010

The old Ultra model


Performance model from equine fusion


The Ultimate model


All Terrain Ultra jogging shoe


All Terrain Ultra jogging shoe


24/7 jogging shoe

24/7 2018

Active jogging shoe



Trekking shoe from equine fusion


When everyone makes hard, we make soft!

Equine Fusion is and will always be a innovative and pioneering company.

Horse on the track with wearing the Trekking jogging shoe

Our UK Story
EQFU Magazine

UK Farriers Explore Innovative
Alternatives to Steel Shoes

Robbie Richardson and Mark Johnson has spent decades as a registeredfarriers in the United Kingdom (UK) caring for the hooves of horses.

His work would bring him extensive research opportunities as well as the development of the Greatcombe Equine Clinic, a rehabilitation center for horses with hoof issues. After about 33 years in the business, his career took an interesting turn when he nailed on his last steel shoe. No, Richardson didn’t retire. But 15 years ago, he did retire his way of outfitting a horse’s feet. He set out on a quest to explore a world of barefoot trimming and find the best alternatives to nailed-on steel shoes.

Since then, Richardson has teamed up with Mark Johnson, another professional farrier in the UK who has made strides in equine hooves care, in an effort to educate others and advance their own work in the best care for horses.

“We have joined together to bring owners, vets, farriers and trimmers towards a greater understanding and explanation of just how we have both reached a

conclusion that open-heeled steel shoes are of no benefit to horse’s hoof,” Richardson said.

A Perfect Fit

Richardson and Johnson have been working to identify how a horse’s hoof ailment could be treated with alternatives to steel shoes, taking great care and pride in making sure whatever product they are putting on the horse is the right choice for its unique needs. The two quickly realized that no one type of hoof-wear works for all horses, and even mixing types of alternative shoes for one horse is sometimes necessary to achieve optimal results in comfort, healing and protection.

“We have been exploring a variety of hoof boots available for us to use as professionals who work with a wide range of hoof problems,” Richardson said, noting that hoof wear has advanced considerably over the last few years with innovative designs and production

models. “There has also been more consideration in the need to study motion, function, condition and attachment systems and how all of these affect the hoof.

”Their search for the perfect product led them to Equine Fusion Boots, a producer of horse jogging shoes developed by a team of engineers, veterinarians, horse trainers, hoof trimmers and shoe developing experts. Richardson said the performance of the jogging shoes align with the approach he and Johnson are taking to understand as much as they can about the motion of the whole horse and whether the imbalances were coming from above the coronary band or below it as reported by owners, riders, veterinarians and saddlers.

“When we first started to use Equine Fusion boots, we were immediately impressed with the flexibility and the sole presentation, two functions that are essential, especially when trying to create comfort in a hoof that is finding discomfort in landing heel first,” Richardson said. “The Equine Fusion team have been very supportive of our work, and we realize that we are becoming part of a unit that is thinking as we do, namely, that the wellbeing of the animal is paramount.”

A Balancing Act

As referral farriers, Richardson and Johnson said they have seen too many horses subjected to treatment that relies on the basics – the foot is trimmed and a steel shoe or boot is fitted according to esthetics, but without consideration of function and movement.

Instead, the experts said, an importance should be placed on fitting a boot with performance that is compatible with the existing action in the foot, in order to avoid conflict. For example, in cases where a horse experiences a toe-first landing, the break-over of the shoe needs to be altered.

“Just putting a boot on that complies with the measurements taken may well be ok, but for us, we think it goes a bit further. For instance, do these measurements accurately reflect the way the horse moves on the ground and therefore within the boot?,” Richardson said. “We are finding there are many things we can do to the outside of the boot that will replace what was traditionally done by a steel shoe, a boot or shoe gives much more flexibility in catering the product to a horse’s needs than a steel shoe could. Those benefits include: This is especially the case for external wedges, he noted, that can be:

  • External wedges attached to the boot that can be altered at any time to ensure it is providing maximum support
  • A removable boot that allows for more regular foot trimming
  • The ability to more efficiently keep hooves clean and free of surface infection
  • An effective way to react quickly to changes that may occur

They are also have success with internal support and are presently testing the Equine Fusion Indent Pad,which is inserted inside the boot for short periods of time to assess weight distribution and motion. The experts can study the indentations on the pad to learn where the horse is breaking over and which side of the hoof is being loaded at stance and in motion.

Richardson said custom fitting internal wedges could significantly improve a horse’s ability to overcome problems and strengthen areas that have problems and cause discomfort.

“Although Equine Fusion’s Indent Pad is still in its development stage, we realize the increasing need fora boot to have the ability to give more internal support, whether it be for comfort or supporting a deviation, ”he said. “We so look forward to working with Equine Fusion on this approach to creating soundness. Their knowledge on materials and attachment systems is invaluable to us.

”Richardson said the work he and Johnson are doing, along with companies like Equine Fusion, are helping to usher out an era that has long overstayed its welcome as the norm. He noted it is not far off when the norm changes to fitting boots and trimming as a matter of course, which then will spur an increase in knowledge in the field and bring to the forefront how motion,function, condition and diet are the true stars of great hooves.

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. It is a no-brainer: No forge, no anvil, no nails and no scared horses,” he said. “Steel shoes were invented and developed because that’s what was available at the time. We believe what is available now means it is time to move on.”

Our Swiss Story
EQFU Magazine

Cute pony posing with the Active jogging shoe model
Pony jumping an obstacle in the Active jogging shoe

“Why I love them most is because my Bommel pony loves them. After just a couple of days of using them, he started to lift his feet all by himself when he saw me preparing the shoes. This behavior tells me every day that Equine Fusion boots are the perfect choice. Let’s face it, with these shoes on, you can even take your pony into your living room. What more could you want?”


The Switzerland Horse

«Yippee, my feet don´t hurt anymore»

Switzerland horse owner Cecile Sperisen admits there was a time she despised hoof boots. She would often encounter bad experiences with riding mates as they struggled with the hoof boots their horses were wearing as they joined her for a ride.

“It always turned out to be drama. Either these hard plastic shoes got lost or some wire in them broke. Even worse, sometimes the horse’s bulb, the soft part of the back part of the heel, would be rubbed by the shoes,causing them to bleed and result in horrible discomfort for the horse.”Because of those instances, Sperisen said she swore off the use of what she called the “torture devices” on her own horses. The needs of a little red pony named Bommel quickly changed Sperisen’s mind.

“When little Bommel was rescued by us, he was 15 years old, had Cushing Syndrome, was extremely obese and his hooves were a nightmare,” she said. “They were trimmed too short, and he had an abscess.”

Sperisen said she summoned the help of her farrier, who warned her that shoeing the horse again could trigger Laminitis, an inflammation of the sensitive layers inside a horse’s hoof. When the farrier suggested that Sperisen try shoes for her pony, she was reminded of the bad experiences of other riders. But her quest to help Bommel led her to internet searches, where she discovered Equine Fusion’s All Terrain Active Boots. “That’s worth a try,’” she said. “The next day, I purchased them along with the dampening pads, which reminded me of my own memory foam insoles. They were super soft.

”To her surprise, Sperisen said she was stunned by the ease of putting the shoes on Bommel. She was impressed with the construction that included Velcro and a closing flap instead of straps or wires. The shoes fit Bommel perfectly. Still, she said, she was skeptical about how the shoes would perform on the go, so she got Bommel ready and off they went for a trail run into the woods.

“Pony Bommel started to take much longer strides almost immediately. It was like he was walking on clouds saying, ‘Yippee, my feet don’t hurt anymore,’’ sh esaid. “Much to my surprise, those shoes did and still do a fantastic job. I now have a healthy, slim, well-trained pony who loves to run on whatever ground. The shock absorption is incredible, and from what I can tell, so is the breakover point.

”Since then, Sperisen purchased a pair of the All-Terrain Ultra Jogging shoes for her Icelandic Horse, when he was recovering from a hoof abscess. She said it was much easier to leave the show on, rather than deal with a bandage on his foot that would often get wet and dirty. With the shoes, the horse was able to be hand walked property and receive pasture time. She said the shoes enabled him to heal quickly.

For 7 years now, Sperisen said she has been using the shoes every day for activities including 8km-10km train runs, lunging and jumping. One of the benefits she likes the most is the easy of putting the shoes on, which she notes she can now do with her eyes closed if she wanted to.

Consistency with the product has made her a believer,having never lost a shoe even when they were soaked in water, drenched in mud, or, as is a common occurrence in Switzerland, buried in snow. Due to the long and icy winters, she said she uses Equine Fusion’s stud kit to prevent slips.

Pony playing in the snow in the Active Jogging shoe

“It was like Bommel was walking on clouds saying, ‘Yippee, my feet don’t hurt anymore’’

Cecile Sperisen
Switzerland horse owner

Our Norwegian Story
EQFU Magazine

Racing in the 24/7 jogging shoe

«Massive Speed»

This is how a five year old race horse with knee problems stopped stumbling with the jogging shoe.

Massive Speed: What is tested and the experiences gained in the 24/7 Jogging Shoe project.

  • Training September: (Speed, terrain, distance) according to diary.
  • Training October: (Speed, terrain, distance) according to diary.
  • Training November: (Speed, terrain, distance) according to diary.
  • Training December: (Speed, terrain, distance) according to diary.
  • Training January: (Speed, terrain, distance) according to diary.
Experiences during the project:

a. Owner We are talking about a horse with great capacity, which due to health problems, especially in the knee joints of both front legs, had no stability in training or competitions. With knee problems, which also caused other problems, the expenses for veterinarians and other therapists became too high. After a disappointing Derby qualifi cation, the owners decided to participate in testing of EF’s project regarding glue shoes. This was due to documented tests of the sole, which was of interest in achieving better health benefits and horse welfare. The owners quickly received positive feedback from the trainer and caretaker,where the horse’s movements and stability in training were now at a normal level. After a good training period, the horse began to start racing.

The results have been overwhelming with 3 first places, 2 second places, and one disqualifi ed in 6 starts since we started training with 24/7. NB! Massive Speed has not run a race with glue shoes to date due to track conditions and the owner/trainer’s decision to wait until spring 2018 with this. Regarding expenses for veterinarians, farriers, and other therapists, the total expenses have decreased by approximately 50% since the start of the testing period in September. The owners currently have a horse that is stable in training and competition, happy and satisfi ed with life, and easy to work with.

b. Trainer Åsbjørn Tengsareid He is among the best trainers and harness drivers in the country. In-trained prizes in 2017: 11,076,047- with 2315 victories to date says the following about 24/7: The jogging shoes have impressed me with the way the horses have handled having them on, the way the horse has moved and functioned with them on. Over time in training, the shoes have been durable, and the horse thrives in training with the shoes. It seems that the horses receive good health, while the hooves grow and develop with the shoes on. The horses are ready to compete after a period with these shoes due to good hoof growth using 24/7. Due to the ease of assembly and disassembly, it has become an easier everyday life for me and the caretaker. We don’t have to wait for the farrier and get a more efficient workday.

c. Farrier, Hoof trimmer During this period, farriers have put on shoes before each race. All other forms of trimming/trimming of hooves have been done by the trainer or caretaker as needed, generally once or twice per year. Month, preferably when changing glue shoes.

d. Caretaker, Assistant Coach Let us begin with a short introduction of this cooperation. My name is Kristine and I am the proud groom of Massive Speed, a five year old racehorse. We are talking about a racehorse with big capacity, but forward to September last year haven’t got any stability in training or competitions. For a long time he have had problems with his knees, which has lead to long abodes between each race and bigger expenses to the vet and other therapists. To specify; lack of stability. After qualify to Derby in September last year (which by the way was a big disappointment), we decided to enter into cooperation with Equine Fusion and their Jogging Shoe. We used time to train before we started new races, just to get stability in his training program and make him better prepared to go races again. His health got better where we experienced improvement in his knees and musculature.

A groom’s experience with the assembly

As you probably have noticed, I am the groom for the horse. I have had him since he was two years old and know him quite well. Using a Jogging Shoe was new to me. We have always had a farrier to set on shoes. Now I suddenly had to do it all by myself. It’s an easy process, that requires being quick and precise. For a groom it may seem scary to put on a shoe all on their own. Especially since many of them don’t have any experience with this. But I can tell you that there is nothing to fear - I have never had any problems while putting them on. When I as a groom can do this job by myself, others will be able to accomplish the same measure. It’s important to me to tell other grooms: The process of putting on the Jogging Shoe is easy and uncomplicated. You don’t have to be a farrier or have other expertise to accomplish this task.

horse and rider in carride wearing 24/7 jogging shoe
Eff ects for the horse

The history of the horse tells us about a time with knee problems. Through his whole career he have had problems with his forward knees, which has lead into large use of vet and other therapists. We have had problems to get stability in his training – without stability in training we can’t get as much out of the horse as we should do. Few races with longer breaks to get control over his health have been our earlier situation. After qualify to Derby we had to look at other solutions for a horse with this kind of capacity. We used a long time just to train with the Jogging Shoe before we started in a race again, around two months. In this stretch we made a good basis for the training before next race.

Immediately the horse appeared more rhythmic in his action. He trotted an easy way without eff ort. The subsidence in these shoes is important to his knees, and has lead to minor burden on them. I add that all training of a racehorse takes place outside, where we never can anticipate weather conditions, for example how hard it is on the ground. In a case like that, it is satisfying that the horse can keep on training as usual because of the subsidence. A fun fact in the end here is that this horse with ”regular” shoes is known for stumbling. This has never happened since he started using the Jogging Shoe. So, less stumbling and a more balanced step with the Jogging Shoe.


For me as a groom this has been a time full of new experiences that has lead to the joy of seeing a more healthy horse after using the Jogging Shoe. It has been a sense of achievement for me to be able to do this all by myself, at the same time that it has given me a healthier and better performing horse. I mentioned for you that we talked about a horse with big capacity. Therefore I thought it would be fun for you to hear that he have a win percentage of 50% today. After using the Jogging Shoe he have won totally three of his last six races, where he became number two in the two races he didn’t won. The Jogging Shoe has been an important contribution in his improvement of achievements.

e. Veterinarian Since the start of the project, there have been no joint treatment expenses on the horse. Veterinary expenses in the period have been dental treatments and vaccinations which are necessary in relation to health certificates.

f. Muscle therapist Here, muscle treaters have been used once a month. Alternative therapists have been reduced by 50% since the start of the test. Due to stable training and fresh legwear, this is possible.

g. Horse The above results speak for themselves.

Story US
EQFU Magazine

Horse jumping obstacle in the Active Jogging Shoe

Crucial Tools

The daily wear boots and for training, which includes trails, gallops, sets, jumping, fox hunting and more.

Hamilton, who also owns Hamilton Hill Farm,

instructs students and trains her horses for competition in the United States Eventing Association, Area VII, an equestrian triathlon competition in the pacifi c northwest that involves dressage, cross country and stadium jumping events. As both the owner and trainer of horses, Hamilton said it is crucial that she has the right tools to keep her horses not only performing well but feeling good as well. Those tools, she said, include products from Equine Fusion, which she uses on a daily basis.

“I love the slip-on daily wear boots for everyday use and for winter training, which includes trails,gallops, sets, jumping, fox hunting and more. I can keep my sensitive-soled horses feet bare for the off season and rehabbing the horses’ feet that need extra support while they grow out new and better hooves,” she said.Hamilton said she has seen dramatic results from having her horses wear the boots, even for a few hours a day during training and turn out, leading to a thicker, stronger hoof wall and tougher soles.

One of the most impressive Equine Fusion products Hamilton has used is the glue-on shoes, which can be perfectly fitted for each individual hoof.

“This was a special horse I had sent to me for training and resale. His feet were awful, and he could barely stay sound, even with shoes on,” she said. “I opted to pull the shoes all together and hoped he could eventually grow better hooves.

”Hamilton said with the help of an Equine Fusion representative, she outfitted the horse with the best glue-ons, which he wore for six months straight. She said the horse’s recovery was remarkable.

“I fully believe this was one hundred percent due to the biomechanically engineered boot that Equine Fusion has developed.

Story US II
EQFU Magazine

Horse post competition posing in the All Terrain Ultra shoe

A desperate plea for help!

Portland Equestrian Finds Solutions With Equine Fusion

“The boots passed their first test on the slippery concrete floor of the coliseum when a commotion further up the parade caused one of my horses to spook, with my daughter riding sidesaddle. Excellent traction from the jogging shoes kept the horse and rider upright and safe.”


Portland horse owner Ginger-Kathleen Coombs first discovered Equine Fusion during a time of sheer desperation. She was preparing her horses to be featured in Portland’s Grand Floral Parade as part of the city’s Rose Festival when she discovered a new regulation that would require the horses to wear boots. The requirement was put into place due to the electric rails of the city’s transport system as well as the slick concrete floor of the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. The parade route winds around the city streets and through the coliseum. With little time to spare, she put out a desperate plea for help.

“Out of sheer generosity, Equine Fusion’s service representative, Helga, came up with the Fusion jogging shoes for our crew, and I even got them all on in a cold morning with stiff hands. That was a win,” Coombs said.

Outfitted with the proper attire for the parade, Coombs said the horses success fully completed the 5-mile walk throughout the parade route without any rubbing or issues and were comfortable wearing the boots.

“He is one of the most amazing thoroughbreds. He’s stunning, wonderful, and he has a partially paralyzed jaw from a blunt force skull injury,” she said.

Because of his injury, Coombs said the horse has to spend a lot of time with his head lowered to eat his pelleted food. In addition, he has long legs, so he would spread one hoof terribly which caused a severe high-low.

“He could get any shoe or boot off . He needed a heel wedge to prevent catastrophic damage, but none would stay on him,” she said.

Coombs recalled the time during a hunter pace when the horse was wearing two different boots to accommodate his different hoof sizes. The ill-fi tting boots cause the horse to gallop out of one of the boots several times, forcing Coombs to stop during the competition to find it.

“He has a huge stride, fantastic power and hates wearing anything on his feet. We needed a boot to hold up to his support needs, Houdini-like talent and one leg that was shorter than the other.” Coombs said it was once again Equine Fusion and Helga to the rescue.

“The only shoe or boot that was nailed, glued, casted or formed that could hold up to him and he didn’t get off was the Fusion jogger,” she said. “The Fusion jogger has never come off for me on any horse, any job, galloping, jumping, in turnout or being stepped on.

Equine Fusion’s line of products has enabled Coombs to keep most of her special needs crew off of inflexible iron shoes, allowing her horses to stand on the comfort, reliability and stability they need.

“I keep several sets handy for when a horse has tender feet on the trails, needs doctoring or just needs to make it cross-country galloping,” Coombs said.